Solving Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Sacropelvic Anatomy
Offer Your Patients Lasting Relief
Should you offer minimally invasive SI joint fusion to your patients? Take a look at the clinical data, read about the implant system and surgical technique, and sign up for an SI-joint training course through SI-BONE University to learn more.
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For Providers
Faits saillants
Getting the Right Diagnosis
A physical exam including provocative maneuvers and diagnostic SI joint injections are two reliable methods to test your patients for SI joint dysfunction.
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Treating Surgeons
iFuse Procedures Performed
iFuse Publications
The Significance of the SI Joint in Low Back Pain
Steve Garfin, MD discusses the diagnosis and treatment of the SI Joint.
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iFuse-3D™ - A New Dimension in SI Joint Fusion
A unique triangular shape, proprietary 3D-printed surface that mimics cancellous bone, and a patented fenestrated design.
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